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ECLIPSE KNOWSS Recap: Tika - A Legal Charity Combating Sexual Violence

Writer's picture: Debbs MurrayDebbs Murray

Kia ora whānau

Thank you so much to Ali Mau for her time and her passion. It is beyond exciting the work that she and Zoë have done to create such a vitally needed service, that which is Tika. I just want to acknowledge that Zoë was unable to be with us for the ECLIPSE KNOWSS session, and we wish her a speedy recovery.

I have captured some notes, although I am not sure that I have done it justice. We all know of the powerful intersection between family and sexual violence, so Tika, and all we heard today from Ali is unquestionably critical to work in both spaces of the sector.

Tika is the first ‘legal charity’ in Aotearoa. What that means is that Tika is a charitable law firm that has been developed to identify and address systemic injustice in Aotearoa, provide a platform for survivors of sexual violence to report and to seek free legal representation, and create survivor community.

There is a strong focus on removing systemic barriers for survivors of sexual violence to support an increase in reporting, prosecution and offender accountability.

Tika means Truth, Justice and Fairness

Kete means singular strands woven together to create strength

What a foundation from which strength can grow from; it is simply beautiful.

Ali discussed that

  • 3 in 10 persons in Aotearoa, New Zealand experience sexual violence and that equates to 1.2 million people.

  • 7% of sexual violence is reported – meaning a staggering 93% isn’t reported.

  • The average reporting time is 16 years.

There are many reasons why survivors do not report, but the main motivating factor was that they didn’t want anyone else to have to go through what they did. They used their courage to ignite a cycle of change.

The USA has created Project Callisto, which is an app that allows victims and survivors of sexual violence on university campuses to report. his will give you more of an idea of what Tika may look like – but with the awareness of and adaption to fit the diversity of ethnicity that exist within Aotearoa. They talk about 2.5 million sexual assaults of USA college students each year, with 90% being repeat offenders and only 6% reporting. Check out more at this link.

Tika is about creating a technological platform that bring people and groups together through technology, it is:

  • Nationwide access to Justice initiative

  • Innovative use of technology and law

  • Free legal representation

Additionally, there will be

  • Public awareness raising around what is sexual violence and the legislation that supports it

  • Survivor communities

  • Support both criminal and civil cases

Anyone over the age of 16 can register with Tika, and there is no time restriction of time since the victimisation occurred.

As soon as someone has registered on the Tika platform, their information is immediately protected by the privileged lawyer/client relationship. It cannot be requested privately or via OIA requests.

One of the many advantages of Tika that excites me, other than the opportunity and the tools to report, but that Tika are aiming to provide survivors with the ability to lodge a complaint with Police or launch a Sensitive Claim with ACC at the tick of a box. Obviously, that is just the very start of the journey, but the capability to do this is a phenomenal achievement.

Tika will also be striving to achieve offender accountability, and of course, what we all go to work for every day, and that is to stop further harm.

Alison mentioned that there will be resources and additional information available closer to launch time in March 2025.

Please find contact details below 😊

The Tika website is it is still being developed but there is information available

Ali’s email is

So, thank you again Ali for your time, and for all you are doing to bring voice to victimisation, a safe platform and process. We would love to have you back closer to launch time, and invite more of the ECLIPSE whānau in to hear of your progress

Greatest thanks

Debbs and the ECLIPSE whānau

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