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Family violence resources - statistics, suicide, and violence within whānau Māori

Writer's picture: Debbs MurrayDebbs Murray

Safer How, Safer When

National Collective of Independent Women's Refuges


Please check out this wonderful resource, and statistical snapshot of women’s experiences of family violence.  It provides a clear analysis of what it is we need to understand as practitioners, in order to have a more informed response.  So much is unseen, especially in the context of coercive control and risk of suicide. 


In brief:

  • One third were told to hurt or kill themselves.

  • One half were stopped from having their own money.

  • 45% were made to hand over all their private messages.

  • One fifth of those physically assaulted lost consciousness from the assault.

  • 72% had most of what they did every day controlled by the perpetrator.

  • 86% were constantly accused of doing something wrong.

  • 26% had their property (e.g. walls or windows) damaged.


Thank you NCIWR for the creation of such critical resource.


Family Violence and Suicide

National Collective of Independent Women's Refuges


As many of you know that have been through an ECLIPSE workshop, one of the core objectives we have is to support greater understanding and awareness of the risk of suicide in the lives of our whānau members experiencing family violence, regardless of position, i.e., primary victim, predominant aggressor, and/or primary child victims.  

NCIWR have developed an incredible piece of work that highlights the very real risk, and the propensity for suicidal ideation, attempts and completed suicide to be informed by family violence.  ECLIPSE strongly believe that coercive control is an overarching family violence tactic, and therefore coercive control can inform future responses, such as suicide.   


Thank you again NCIWR for the creation of such critical resource.



Violence within Whānau and Mahi Tūkino - A Litany of Sound Revisited

Te Puna Aonui


What a phenomenal document this is.  Written by the incredible Dr Denise Wilson and assisted by Sian Gilbert.  This review was funded by Te Puna Aonui “to inform the activities of Te Pūkotahitanga - the Tangata Whenua Ministerial Advisory Group to the Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence”. 


The brief is: “Violence Within Whānau and Mahi Tūkino – A Litany of Sound Revisited, a literature review, provides current information, explores some areas raised in A Litany of Sound in greater detail and expands the context for Māori living with violence and mahi tūkino. Eliminating violence and mahi tūkino affecting whānau Māori must be a collective effort led by Māori. Addressing the contextual, historical and social conditions must underpin such an effort that enables the persistence of intergenerational violence and trauma within whānau Māori”. 


There are six core questions being answered in this literature review, and it provides some incredible insights.  The six questions are: 

  1. How were whānau and hapū kept violence-free in traditional Māori society pre-settlement and pre-colonisation? 

  2. What is violence within whānau and mahi tūkino? 

  3. What is the contemporary landscape of violence impacting whānau Māori? 

  4. What is known about how to achieve well-being? 

  5. What is known about kaupapa Māori and Te Ao Māori approaches? 

  6. What are the evidential gaps? 


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