Jacki Rowles
Jacki's lived experience of being raised in a violent country, fraught with racism and sexism, entrenched in her home by a patriarchal-dominant father led to her work in family violence. Since 2007, she has worked with women and children, providing counselling, group programme facilitation, assessments and individual programmes for both predominant aggressors and primary victims of violence.
Currently, Jacki works as a family violence practitioner and clinical supervisor. She contracts with a local agency offering programmes in non-violence and safety. In her private practice, she provides clinical supervision across Aotearoa for people responding to those impacted by family violence. Her supervisees include refuge workers, counsellors, psychologists, restorative justice facilitators, community support workers, police, and victim support workers. Additionally, she offers group clinical supervision, training and education in family violence.
Jacki is passionate about improving social responses to family violence. As a doctoral student at Massey University, her research focuses on understanding support services responses in the context of family violence. She feels driven by a responsibility to all the women who privileged her with their stories of lived experiences of harmful responses. She is motivated to offer insights and awareness into how we, as support workers, can become "Response-able" when responding to those impacted by family violence, which is the primary focus of the education she provides.
You can learn more about Jacki's family violence and supervision practice here.